Cool white leather sneakers for men (Gram)
White leather sneakers top the scale in terms of quality compared to most other sneakers. In addition to the fact that the quality can be felt in the choice of materials and comfort, a pair of leather sneakers will often last considerably longer than a pair of ordinary sneakers. In Gram, white sneakers are also popular, where they are in demand as in leather. It is not only Gram that has caught the eye of white leather sneakers, but the trend is on the other hand in many cities across the country. That is why the Danish sneaker brand ERRANT has launched a white leather sneaker in the summer of 2020, which is only available online via the webshop.
White sneakers complete your outfit
Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, sneakers were developed for elite sports. They were therefore exclusively used for sports back then, where today they have developed in other directions to meet the demand for comfortable and stylish everyday shoes. No one would have thought then that sneakers would mean so much in the fashion image we have today, a good 100 years later. Today, sneakers fulfill an important role in the fashion industry, which also means that you can get sneakers in an endless variety of models and designs.
A pair of classic white sneakers goes perfectly with, for example, a pair of trousers and a t-shirt, but can be used with countless other outfits. We would even go so far as to say that a pair of white sneakers can complete your outfit, no matter if you are going to a festive event or as everyday wear. The popularity of white sneakers has grown greatly in many of the country's cities, including Gram, where they are a normal sight to see in the cityscape. And thanks to the timeless and classic design, they never go out of style.
ERRANT - Denmark's new sneaker brand
We have chosen the new Danish sneaker brand ERRANT to specialize in sneakers, as they have great passion and knowledge within the industry. ERRANT knows how to create a perfect fit and a quality that you will feel when you wear the shoe. The white leather sneakers from ERRANT are an example of the great focus on the details in relation to design and comfort. In addition to the design, a pair of sneakers must be so comfortable to walk in that you can completely forget you are wearing them.